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Everything from the name, synonymous with purity and strength, and the Mediterranean architecture that inspires it exudes sincerity and authenticity. A layer of soft wool with a background of jute. Two apparently antagonistic languages that dialogue to perfection. A fresh, permeable geometry on the second stratum updates an eminently classical design, and gives it a highly contemporary appearance.
Launched in 2016.
He was born in Valencia in 1980. He studied a Technical Engineering degree in Industrial Design in Cardenal Herrera-CEU University and collaborated with various local studios. Leaving Enproyecto Arquitectura in 2011, he reunited both disciplines of industrial design and architecture under his own single brand, offering professional services in both sectors. In parallel, he started teaching in 2006 in Cardenal Herrera-CEU University, where today he is a project lecturer in the Industrial Design and Architecture degree courses.
GAN is GANDIA BLASCO’s indoor brand, with a strong presence in handmade rugs.
GAN is craftsmanship and design. They combine the genius of designers with the skills of craftsmen to produce unique products which will be treasured for years.
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